BRPH Case Study
Willis Construction Consulting is a full-service construction firm that offers cost management and consulting services. They have completed 4000 projects worldwide and continuously strive to provide their clients with accurate cost consulting. Willis Construction Consulting is involved in every step of the project, from providing the initial estimates to completion. Their estimating services are tailored specifically to the scale of the specific project, allowing the client to budget accurately and keep their project on track.
For the past 10 years, Willis Construction Consulting has provided BRPH with support on budgeting projects and conceptual estimates on a variety of different projects, many of which incorporate sustainable design. They have received excellent and reliable input from Willis Construction Consulting for their electrical and mechanical costs. This particular service allowed BRPH to evaluate its budgets prior to hiring subcontractors.
BRPH offers in-house specialized services, including those for engineering, construction, and architecture. Over the past 53 years, they have partnered with a wide range of industries; examples of their projects include the construction and design of multi-million dollar launch pads, as well as manufacturing facilities. BRPH’s expertise has also allowed them to expand into the education, entertainment, and hospitality industries. They are well equipped through extensive knowledge and trusted partnerships to help their clients navigate new projects from start to finish. For more information, visit https://www.brph.com.
If you need help with cost management for your latest project, contact us at https://www.willisestimating.com/contact/.